103 ikerketa-datu erreferentziatuta

Ingeniería informática. erreferentziatutako ikerketa-datuak


  1. Data set for the paper "Intersectionality in STEM Education: Review and Categorization of Programs focused on Indigenous Students"


  2. Data set for the paper "Intersectionality in STEM Education: Review and Categorization of Programs focused on Indigenous Students"


  3. Data set for the study "Perception Disparity between Women and Men on the Gender Gap in STEM at a Spanish University"


  4. Data set for the study "Perception Disparity between Women and Men on the Gender Gap in STEM at a Spanish University"


  5. Dataset for the "Study on perceptions about inclusion in European Educational Institutions"


  6. Dataset for the "Study on perceptions about inclusion in European Educational Institutions"


  7. Dataset for the study "Open approach to agile change in organizations and communities developing open-source projects" - First review

    GRIAL research group

  8. Dataset for the study "Open approach to agile change in organizations and communities developing open-source projects" - First review

    GRIAL research group

  9. Dataset for the study "Open approach to agile change in organizations and communities developing open-source projects" - Second review

    GRIAL research group

  10. Dataset for the study "Open approach to agile change in organizations and communities developing open-source projects" - Second review

    GRIAL research group

  11. Dataset for the study 'Learning outcomes evaluation through learning analytics systems in higher education'

    GRIAL research group

  12. Dataset for the study 'Learning outcomes evaluation through learning analytics systems in higher education'

    GRIAL research group

  13. Dataset para el estudio "AMBIENTES COEDUCATIVOS STEM QUE COMBINAN ROBÓTICA EDUCATIVA Y PENSAMIENTO COMPUTACIONAL". Documentos Seleccionados en la Investigación.


  14. Dataset para el estudio "AMBIENTES COEDUCATIVOS STEM QUE COMBINAN ROBÓTICA EDUCATIVA Y PENSAMIENTO COMPUTACIONAL". Documentos Seleccionados en la Investigación.


  15. Direct Measurement of Learning Outcomes in Engineering Programs: A Proposal for Nine Standardized Scales

    Grupo GRIAL

  16. Direct Measurement of Learning Outcomes in Engineering Programs: A Proposal for Nine Standardized Scales

    Grupo GRIAL

  17. Exodus Privacy Apps Results


  18. Exodus Privacy Apps Results


  19. Exodus Privacy Apps Results


  20. Fostering Inclusivity and Equality in Early Childhood Education via Computational Thinking and Robotics: A Systematic Review
