Diseño del trabajo de laboratorio con bases epistemológicas y cognitivascaso carrera de profesorado de física

  1. Andrés Zuñeda, María Maite
Supervised by:
  1. Marta Azucena Pesa Director
  2. Jesús Ángel Meneses Villagrá Director

Defence university: Universidad de Burgos

Fecha de defensa: 14 September 2005

  1. Marco Antonio Moreira Chair
  2. Fernando Lara Ortega Secretary
  3. Vicente Sanjosé Committee member
  4. Angela Calvo Redondo Committee member
  5. Jesús Mariano Merino de la Fuente Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 129168 DIALNET lock_openRIUBU editor


This laboratory work (LW) in physics teaching begin with a problem-situation, that is conceived as a combination of sub-tasks of the scientific experimental activity (subproblems), demanding interrelated conceptualizations of the methodological and theoretical domains, associated with the situation. The complexity of the learning is interpreted with a model (MATLaF) constructed with a base in the Theory of Conceptual Fields (Vergnaud, 1990) and the science epistemology (no standard). The viability and effectiveness of the model was studied with a university laboratory course, with students to become physics teachers (Venezuela), by means of a qualitative study. At the beginning, a conception of science next to the standard notion predominated, and the experimental actions showed a disconnection between the theoretical and methodological domains, with emphasis in routines. The test was guided and evaluated with the MATLaF model; this favoured the conceptual development in the theoretical-epistemologic-methodologic domain of integral way, for most of the students.