Resíduos hospitalares, práticas e riscosa influência da formação profissional nas práticas de gestão

  1. Neves, Rosa Maria R. C. Pereira
Supervised by:
  1. Serafín de Abajo Olea Director
  2. Gemma Ansola González Director

Defence university: Universidad de León

Fecha de defensa: 15 June 2012

  1. Estanislao de Luis Calabuig Chair
  2. Antonio José Molina de la Torre Secretary
  3. Carlos Gomes de Oliveira Committee member
  4. Emilía Graça Dourado Telo Ferraz Pereira André Committee member
  5. Ángel Díaz Rodríguez Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 336321 DIALNET


The excessive production of waste in modern societies has been determining the existence of serious environmental, social, economical and public health problems. In a particular context, this work consisted of an approach to the hospital waste management (HW) of groups I + II, III and IV, in 41 Private Health Care Units (PHCU), belonging to the municipality of Leiria. The study was developed in two stages, with an intervening period of 4 years, and aimed at analysing and describing the practices of HW management before and after the introduction of Vocational Training for the Integrated Management of HW. The 1st stage relied on a descriptive and quantitative study based on the Measuring or the Extensive Analysis Method. The 2nd stage of the study was developed resorting to the Experimental Method. It consisted in submitting an experimental group (41 PHCU) to a stimulus (introduction of Vocational Training) and observing the resultant alterations in the hospital waste management. The Vocational Training was based on the ISAARTE method, specially developed for that purpose. After the analysis and comparison of results, it was possible to demonstrate that, for most of the analysed aspects, the introduction of Vocational Training changed the HW management practices in the 41 PHCU examined, which resulted in direct implications in several aspects, specifically, within the scope of environment. There was a displacement of hazardous waste (166.8 kg/approximately 367 lbs/ month) from the sanitary landfill into the appropriate treatment or elimination site, which represented an important environmental benefit. Concerning safety, hygiene and health at work, there were fewer accidents related to pricks or woun. This study also demonstrates the disarticulation that exists between the operational triangle entrusted with the management of this area (Law/Producer/Specialised Enterprises) and the need for the promotion of harmonised strategies.