Influencia de los factores socioemocionales en las organizaciones empresariales

  1. Pascucci, Tancredi
Dirigida per:
  1. José Carlos Sánchez García Director
  2. Brizeida Hernández Sánchez Codirectora

Universitat de defensa: Universidad de Salamanca

Fecha de defensa: 07 de de juliol de 2023

  1. Francisco Gil Rodríguez President/a
  2. Susana Lucas Mangas Secretària
  3. Silvio Manuel da Rocha Brito Vocal

Tipus: Tesi

Teseo: 819450 DIALNET lock_openTESEO editor


In this work we propose to describe, through a collection of articles, how much socioemotional factors influence not only individual choices, but also the organizational mechanisms at the level of companies and entire networks of communities and organizations within a territory that it can even reach international proportions (Gonçalves et al., 2016; Korsakiene et al., 2017). All this to remember how much this model should be considered as an integration and an overcoming of the paradigm of Rational Choice (Graca Moura, 2017; Zafirovski, 2019; Herfeld, 2020), in line with contributions in the field of Economics, such as Rationality Simon Limited (1957; 1991), Prospect Theory (Kahneman & Tverski, 1981; Kahneman 2003) or Thaler's Risk Aversion (2009). It has long been clear how necessary it is to consider an economic and management model that does not focus on a solely material aspect that considers emotional and relational aspects as disturbing variables to be ignored in order to make the model work at its best. This has been highlighted by recurrent international economic crises (Bone, 2021) which in recent years have been joined by health (Garfin et al., 2020) and ecological ones (Tang & Luo, 2016) with increasingly powerful tensions in the psycho social (Jokic-Begic, Korajlija & Begic, 2021), usually more neglected. An approach that is also oriented to the more human aspects of economic choices is not only a more equitable approach towards those who, in a colder and more rational model, are excluded because they are less interesting for profit purposes, but it is an approach that in the long term it is more profitable and strengthens the economy, enabling it to be more resilient to economic, socio-political and environmental upheavals.