Publications en collaboration avec des chercheurs de Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (10)


  1. Carbosol database: A relevant tool for understanding carbon stocks in soils of Spain

    1st World Conference on Soil and Water Conservation under Global Change - CONSOWA (International Soil Conservation Organization (ISCO)), pp. 96-99


  1. Soil P availability along a catena located at the Sierra de Gata Mountains, Western Central Spain

    Forest Ecology and Management, Vol. 255, Núm. 8-9, pp. 3254-3262


  1. Effects of deforestation on phosphorus pools in mountain soils of the Alay Range, Khyrgyzia

    Biology and Fertility of Soils, Vol. 31, Núm. 2, pp. 134-142

  2. Modified method for measuring acid phosphatase activities in forest soils with high organic matter content

    Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, Vol. 31, Núm. 19-20, pp. 3077-3088


  1. Nutrient availability in forest soils as measured with anion-exchange membranes

    Geomicrobiology Journal, Vol. 14, Núm. 1, pp. 51-64