Publications by the researcher in collaboration with Javier Alfonso Cendón (19)


  1. Editorial: Special issue SOCO-CISIS 2017-IGPL

    Logic Journal of the IGPL

  2. Non-removal strategy for outliers in predictive models: The PAELLA algorithm case

    Logic Journal of the IGPL, Vol. 28, Núm. 4, pp. 418-429

  3. Robust weighted regression via PAELLA sample weights

    Neurocomputing, Vol. 391, pp. 325-333


  1. Ground-level ozone predictions using outlier identification leveraged sample weighted regressors

    Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 31, Núm. 6, pp. 829-840


  1. Coupling the PAELLA algorithm to predictive models

    Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

  2. Data mining techniques for the estimation of variables in health-related noisy data

    Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

  3. PAELLA as a booster in weighted regression

    Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

  4. Preface

    Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

  5. Tool wear estimation and visualization using image sensors in micro milling manufacturing

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

  6. Use of classifiers and recursive feature elimination to assess boar sperm viability

    Logic Journal of the IGPL, Vol. 26, Núm. 6, pp. 629–637


  1. A learning experiment based in collaborative project implementation for the development of entrepeneurship

    2016 International Symposium on Computers in Education, SIIE 2016: Learning Analytics Technologies

  2. Aprendizaje basado en la implementación colaborativa de proyectos tecnológicos para el desarrollo de competencias emprendedoras bajo el concepto "Learning by Doing"

    Premios a la innovación en la enseñanza, Núm. 15, pp. 93-112

  3. Desarrollo de competencias emprendedoras mediante iniciativas de aprendizaje basado en proyectos

    Education in the knowledge society (EKS), Vol. 17, Núm. 4, pp. 15-28

  4. Experiencia de aprendizaje basado en la implementación colaborativa de proyectos para el desarrollo de competencias emprendedoras

    XVIII Simposio Internacional de Informática Educativa, SIIE 2016 (Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca), pp. 109-116