Conference papers (18) Publications in which a researcher has participated


  1. A call to arms for systematists: Revitalising the purpose and practises underpinning the description of novel microbial taxa

    Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, International Journal of General and Molecular Microbiology

  2. Analysis of solvent tolerance in Pseudomonas putida DOT-T1E based on its genome sequence and a collection of mutants

    FEBS Letters

  3. Conservation status of vegetation in the North and Central area of Pardiela river basin (Évora, Portugal)

    Acta Botanica Gallica

  4. Discovery of MK-4256, a subtype selective SSTR antagonist as a potential treatment of type-2 diabetes


  5. Estudio de las poblaciones microbianas edáficas durante el proceso de incorporación de enmiendas orgánicas de origen animal

    Avances en microbiología de los alimentos

  6. Evaluación de las relaciones crecimiento-clima en masas forestales del género Pinus a lo lardo de un gradiente altitudinal

    II Jornadas Doctorales de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha: (Resúmenes de Comunicaciones). Toledo, 13 de noviembre de 2012

  7. Evaluation of attitude toward living organ donation among adolescents in Southeast Spain

    Transplantation Proceedings

  8. Formación específica para la mejora de la comunicación en inglés del profesorado de Química Analítica de la UCA

    VII Reunión de Innovación Docente en Química (INDOQUIM 2012)

  9. Haplotypes and diplotypes in thetryptase gene (TPSAB1 gene), a highlypolymorphic gene

    EAACI Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology

  10. Hypersensitivity to antineoplastic agents: Mechanisms and treatment with rapid desensitization

    Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy

  11. Knowledge of the brain-death concept among secondary school teachers

    Transplantation Proceedings

  12. La dehesa: estructura y funcionamiento

    I Curso de gestión medioambiental: ganadería extensiva y fauna silvestre : Facultad de Veterinaria de León, 2, 3 y 4 de marzo de 2012

  13. Neuronal differentiation promoted by oleic acid is impaired in TgDyrk1A primary neuronal culture

    FEBS Journal

  14. Prólogo

    Un breve viaje por la ciencia: Ensaya 2010 : V Certamen "Teresa Pinillos" de ensayos de divulgación científica y humanística

  15. Purification and characterization of convicilin, a vicilin-like globulin, from Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis)


  16. Relations between climax vegetation and isobioclimates in the Northwest of Spain (León province)

    Acta Botanica Gallica

  17. Some reflections on intermittent hypoxia. Does it constitute the translational niche for carotid body chemoreceptor researchers?

    Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology

  18. The arsenic stress defense mechanism of corynebaterium glutamicum revealed

    Understanding the Geological and Medical Interface of Arsenic, As 2012 - 4th International Congress: Arsenic in the Environment