Capítulos de Libro (18) Publicaciones en las que ha participado algún/a investigador/a


  1. Commutative algebra applied to stabilization problems for systems over rings

    Commutative Rings: New Research (Nova Science Publishers, Inc.), pp. 39-51

  2. El uso de la expresión gráfica en la adquisición de nuevas competencias profesionales en patrimonio arquitectónico e ingenieril en el entorno del espacio europeo de educación superior (EEES)

    II Congreso Internacional de Formación Docente Universitaria: Calidad e Innovación ante el EEES. Derechos y Deberes de Profesores y Estudiantes (Comares)

  3. Fourier-Mukai functors

    Progress in Mathematics (Springer Basel), pp. 31-79

  4. Fourier-Mukai on Abelian varieties

    Progress in Mathematics (Springer Basel), pp. 81-109

  5. Fourier-Mukai on K3 surfaces

    Progress in Mathematics (Springer Basel), pp. 111-146

  6. Fourier-Mukai partners and birational geometry

    Progress in Mathematics (Springer Basel), pp. 233-280

  7. Integral functors

    Progress in Mathematics (Springer Basel), pp. 1-30

  8. Introduction to Fourier-Mukai and Nahm transforms with an application to coherent systems on elliptic curves

    Moduli spaces and vector bundles (Cambridge University Press), pp. 51-98

  9. Lattices

    Progress in Mathematics (Springer Basel), pp. 339-345

  10. Lepage congruences in discrete mechanics

    Variations, Geometry & Physics : in honour of Demeter Krupka's Sixty-Fifth birthday (Nova Science Pub Inc)

  11. Linear algebra over commutative rings applied to control theory

    Commutative Rings: New Research (Nova Science Publishers, Inc.), pp. 65-103

  12. Mattson solomon transform and algebra codes

    Gröbner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography (Springer Berlin Heidelberg), pp. 385-388

  13. Miscellaneous results

    Progress in Mathematics (Springer Basel), pp. 347-358

  14. Nahm transforms

    Progress in Mathematics (Springer Basel), pp. 147-182

  15. Quality of Analytical Measurements: Statistical Methods for Internal Validation

    Comprehensive Chemometrics (Elsevier), pp. 17-76

  16. Quality of Analytical Measurements: Univariate Regression

    Comprehensive Chemometrics (Elsevier), pp. 127-169

  17. Quantum scalar fields in the half-line. A heat kernel/zeta function approach

    Mathematical physics and field theory: Julio Abad, "in Memoriam" (Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza), pp. 277-288

  18. Relative Fourier-Mukai functors

    Progress in Mathematics (Springer Basel), pp. 183-232