La nueva cultura multimedia en la era digitalel caso de los videojuegos
- Enrique Bustamante Ramírez Doktorvater/Doktormutter
Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Fecha de defensa: 06 von Mai von 2014
- José Luis Piñuel Raigada Präsident/in
- María Dolores Cáceres Zapatero Sekretär/in
- Francisco Rui Nunes Cádima Vocal
- Patricia Corredor Lanas Vocal
- Ángel Badillo Matos Vocal
Art: Dissertation
This thesis wants to show a picture of the video game sector as a cultural industry, trying to explain why its current situation: the most important in the world, both in economic data and users. Aims, from four major themes: its relationship to technological advances, the debate on the consideration of culture - art, economics and new uses, to make a research corpus to analyze the relationship between supply and demand for Spanish gamers. We analyze the relationship between the two perspectives, check if: coincide, collide, complement or simply coexist. To this we have performed a descriptive analysis of the offer that gives structural stability to mixed original research (qualitative and quantitative) of demand in Spain. The demand studies consists in four standardized interviews unscheduled, from twenty six speech codes were extracted, and created the First Independent Inquiry Video Users in Spain, launched in late April 2013. From this survey it was established a user profile and to contrast the hypotheses: since its expenditure profile, type of user, use of online gaming and the consideration of the game as a cultural and artistic expression. The result is a complete study that places the video game industry as an important economic and cultural, present and future of any country who wants to bet on it, as a cultural mechanism or a source of skilled employment