Las webs de los partidos españoles en campaña electoralcontinuismo entre 2008 y 2011

  1. Dader, José Luis
  2. Cheng, Lifen
  3. Campos, Eva
  4. Quintana, Nuria
  5. Vizcaíno-Laorga, Ricardo

ISSN: 1138-3305 2340-5007

Year of publication: 2014

Issue Title: La comunicación política avui: entre nous mitjans i velles lògiques

Issue: 34

Pages: 115-152

Type: Article

More publications in: Trípodos


The political cyber communication field has a research line well established in the party websites analysis in spite of the fact that political organizations have displaced their interest on web pages towards other new online campaigning tools, such as video spot platforms and social networking sites. Quantitative and qualitative methodologies compete to obtain a thoughtful understanding of the party website contents and their political role. But the complexity and constant evolving of party website structures hamper the assessment of their political and democratic functionality. The former study on the main Spanish parties and candidates’ electoral pages during the 2008’s General Elections process has been used as a baseline to compare with a new research on the structural content of such websites during the electoral campaigning process of November, 2011. The combination of a quantitative and a qualitative methodology support the conclusion that the main Spanish party organizations continue portraying, as in 2008, the normalization model; that is, they keep on using digital tools in the traditional perspective of persuasive impact and propaganda. However, some sections of their webs are integrating hopeful signs of an innovation model, in tune with the Deliberative Democracy theory aspirations of deeper political explanations and civic engagement.

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