Adaptación psicosocial al embarazo en la adolescenciaUn programa de intervención

  1. Casanueva Carmona, Noelia
Supervised by:
  1. María Isabel Fajardo Caldera Director
  2. Florencio Vicente Castro Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de Extremadura

Fecha de defensa: 10 July 2017

  1. Francisco Ramos Campos Chair
  2. João Manuel Rosado de Miranda Justo Secretary
  3. Sixto Cubo Delgado Committee member

Type: Thesis


The gestation in the adolescence constitutes a reality psicosocial complex and a motive of worry for different sectors of the company. Articles of investigation published in the last decades have favored a modest advance of the knowledge on this problematics, stating that his consequences are multiple and concern different areas of the life of the teenager. To adapt to the modifications that a gestation and maternity imply, he supposes for them an authentic vital challenge. This investigation is conceived, so, as a way that tries to unite theoretical and empirical expositions in order are able determine some evidences and offers of change that give visibility to the topic. The theoretical framework presented will be articulated around the knowledge of the reality of the adolescent pregnant and will highlight its multidimensional and complex nature, as well as the degree of inconsistency among some investigations. Simultaneously, the empirical framework will provide a comprehensive scientific study of variables, in order to know how this gestational process is in a sample of 56 Spanish adolescents aged between 14 and 20 years. The Thesis concludes with an exhibition of affirmations relative to the paper that they recover in the gestation, multiple variables as: the support of the pair, the affection received in the infancy or certain features of personality. The conclusions question the immediate, direct and only influence of the variable age as predictora of problems of adjustment to the pregnancy. It is necessary to add, that given the adverse effects of the teen gestation and being connoisseurs of the positive impact that exercises the support of the equal ones on them, there has been designed a program of intervention that proposes as fundamental challenge: " to anticipate the identification of the teenager with the mother role before the birth of his baby, preparing her this way, for a more positive, responsible and regular maternity".