Itinerarios de poder y liderazgo en mujeres extremeñasUna investigación desde la metodología comunicativa crítica

Supervised by:
  1. María Rosa Luengo González Director
  2. Beatriz Muñoz González Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de Extremadura

Fecha de defensa: 02 February 2016

  1. Soledad Murillo de la Vega Chair
  2. Antonio Pantoja Chaves Secretary
  3. Claudia Möller Recondo Committee member
  4. Julián López García Committee member
  5. Rosa Valls Committee member

Type: Thesis


The main goal of this thesis is to characterize the process that ten extremenian women (leaders in different fields as politics, business, education ...) in order to do it will use the political self. On the one hand, we aim to identify the transforming and exclusing elements(inequality developers) that have helped or hindered their leadership setting-up; on the other one, their discourses about the power that have accompanied them throughout the process. The research will be based on Critical Communicative Methodology. Communicative life stories will be used as research technique.