Necesidades educativas e inclusión escolarel peso de las actitudes

  1. Janero, Cristina
  2. Flores, Noelia
  3. Beltrán, Marina
  4. Tomşa, Raluca
  5. Ruiz, Mª Isabel
International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology: INFAD. Revista de Psicología

ISSN: 0214-9877

Year of publication: 2014


Volume: 4

Issue: 1

Pages: 605-612

Type: Article

DOI: 10.17060/IJODAEP.2014.N1.V4.836 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology: INFAD. Revista de Psicología

Sustainable development goals


The results obtained after evaluating attitudes towards the inclusion of students with special educational needs in ordinary classrooms are presented. In this preliminary study the sample is composed of 91 participants, all of them students of the Master's degree. , of which 22% are men and 78% are women, aged between 22 and 45 years (M = 28.13, Dt = 6.4). The Opinion Questionnaire was applied to Integration, which consists of 30 items with a Likert type response format of 5 points and higher scores denoting more favorable attitudes. The results indicated that women and those who have contact with the attitudinal reference consider that the teaching staff is better prepared to face the challenges of inclusion. However, there does not seem to be a linear relationship between contact frequency and attitudes toward integration, so it is necessary to deepen the type of contact and the types of educational needs with which you are familiar, in order to determine the weight of these factors in the formation of more or less favorable attitudes. The present findings as well as the continuation of this study will allow us to establish guidelines for intervention with teachers in training, who will be key elements in the promotion of inclusion in the classrooms of the future.

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