On the poetry of designdevelopment of a renaissance and knowledge-based invention method based on the analysis of the original design

  1. Ana María Lara Palma Zuzendaria
  2. Rafael Brotóns Cano Zuzendarikidea
  3. Friedbert Jochum Zuzendarikidea

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad de Burgos

Fecha de defensa: 2016(e)ko urtarrila-(a)k 20

  1. Heide Faeskorn-Woyke Presidentea
  2. Mario Arias Oliva Idazkaria
  3. Marco Hülsman Kidea
  4. Heinrich George Klocke Kidea
  5. Uwe Wippich Kidea

Mota: Tesia

Teseo: 416436 DIALNET


Along the lines of the Italian composer Giuseppe Verdi, ‘Let us go back to the past and it will be a step forward’, this thesis will not analyze the future of design, but its past. It seeks to answer the questions why design was invented and what causes were responsible for its development. Due to the great importance of design in the Renaissance period, this thesis calls the Renaissance the ‘Golden Age of Design’. Based on the scientific concepts of the Renaissance, it focuses not only on ‘analysis’, but also on ‘synthesis’. Therefore, the thesis unifies ‘Disegno’, the original design theory, with the current disciplines, ‘Knowledge Management’, ‘Software Architecture’, ‘Interaction Design’ and ‘User Experience’, and searches for their similarities and conceptional connections. Finally, based on the synthesis of Renaissance concepts, it develops its own invention method, taking into account the peculiarities of the original design and of the Renaissance period. Keywords (English): Innovation, knowledge creation, Disegno, Design philosophy, Design history, Design theory, Italian Renaissance Keywords (Spanish): Innovación, creación de conocimiento, Disegno, Filosofía de diseño, Hisoria del diseño, Teoría del Diseño, Renacimiento italiano