La adaptación de la forma a las cargas en el arte estructuraldesde las pilas y el arco, a la torre
- R. Serrano-López 1
- J. Mínguez-Algarra 1
- F. Cambronero-Barrientos 1
- D. Saldaña-Arce 1
- 1 Universidad de Burgos, España
ISSN: 0020-0883
Argitalpen urtea: 2014
Alea: 66
Zenbakia: 534
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Informes de la construcción
The shape of the Eiffel Tower has been discussed several times, seeking for physical and mathematical relationships. This article aims to address this analysis from a different point of view: the historical and sequential evolution of design over the course of the Eiffel company. Thus, the relationship between the experience gained in different works and technicians can be verified. The paper also tries to give merit to work of all the collaborators of Eiffel over those years. In short, the final solution of the Tower is contrasted and corroborated as a great example of structural art, as has been described in the past.
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