La indemnización de las lesiones corporales

  1. Flores Madrigal, Georgina Alicia
Supervised by:
  1. Eugenio Llamas Pombo Director

Defence university: Universidad de Salamanca

Fecha de defensa: 23 November 2012

  1. Mariano Alonso Pérez Chair
  2. Estrella Toral Lara Secretary
  3. Eva María Martínez Gallego Committee member
  4. Ignacio Díaz de Lezcano Sevillano Committee member
  5. Fernando Bondía Román Committee member

Type: Thesis


In compensation for bodily injury, title of this paper, it is intended, make a study of the basic principles governing the subject of injury and repair form. All of the above, is the protagonist, a victim of the injury, but we can not think that this is the only one affected, unfortunately, with the appearance of the injury, harm is caused to others what motivated us to address the issue of meaning of life, based on the idea that life is not linear, has multiple paths that we are compelled to take, in order to continue, because surrender, not an option to consider. In addition to following the idea of protecting the right to life and physical integrity, in different areas, human rights, fundamental personal rights and their scope of availability, we should study the behaviors that the person injured bodily, while are endowed with reality and certainty. Since the injury to the person violates his own body, violating their integrity and ultimately altering their health, we focus our attention on the specifics of the injury, its concept, its nature, the concepts that have been given to bodily harm under this item that falls. It was also necessary to state that once the body damage has occurred, can lead to consequences pecuniary or non-pecuniary, and we on the one hand and damnus cessans lucrum emergens and on the other the moral damage with an entity each, but in this case arise due to the appearance of bodily harm. Which is why it is wise to dismantle each and every one of the concepts considered harmful and effect in accordance with the facts established by the parties, the merits of their respective compensation.