El lenguaje publicitario en el videoclipParodia de sus estereotipos en la serie Cómo conocí a vuestra madre

  1. García Martín, Judith Helvia
Pantallas pequeñas, ¿músicas menores?
  1. Bornay Llinares, José A. (dir.)
  2. Ruiz Antón, Vicente J. (dir.)
  3. Vera Guarinos, Jenaro (dir.)

Publisher: Letra de Palo

ISBN: 978-84-15794-35-6

Year of publication: 2016

Pages: 243-262

Type: Book chapter


It is we// known that reality imítates fiction, and on TV series is especial/y common and effective quoting elements of popular culture. This article will deal with the TV series H ow 1 Met Your Mother, focusing on the character of Robín Scherbatsky and her past as the teen pop-star Robín Sparkles. She is the pretext for the appearance over severa/ seasons of up to four songs with their corresponding videoclips, related to other aspects of the music industry, which quote certain elements of urban popular music. In this article the aesthetics of pop and grunge videoclips from the 8Os and 90s will be analyzed, and the parody of the pop stars market as well, through the creations made specially for Robín Sparkles: four songs, three videoclips, a children's show anda report made in the style of those issued by the VH1in Behind the Music