El papel de las profesoras e investigadoras de la universidad de Salamanca en la difusión de su producción científica. Análisis de ResearchGate y Academia.edu

  1. Carreño Corchete, Esther
  2. Frías Montoya, José Antonio
  3. Travies o Rodríguez, Críspulo
Investigación y Género. Reflexiones desde la investigación para avanzar en igualdad: VII Congreso Universitario Internacional Investigación y Género : Sevilla, 28 y 29 de Junio de 2018
  1. Isabel Vázquez Bermúdez (coord.)
  2. María Jesús Cala Carrillo (coord.)
  3. Ana Guil Bozal (coord.)
  4. Carmen García Gil (coord.)
  5. Rocío Martínez Torres (coord.)
  6. Consuelo Flecha García (coord.)

Publisher: SIEMUS (Seminario Interdisciplinar de Estudios de las Mujeres) ; Editorial de la Universidad de Sevilla

ISBN: 978-84-948975-3-5

Year of publication: 2018

Pages: 108-129

Type: Book chapter


This paper analyzes the presence of professors and researchers from the University of Salamanca on two of the main academic social networks: Reasearchgate.net and Academia.edu. The indicators of each network were studied and compared along with the level of collaboration and scientific diffusion of the teaching and research staff at the University of Salamanca. The study was carried out via by analyzing the profiles of 1005 professors and researchers assigned to 28 different departments within the five areas of study around which the university is structured. A transversal analysis was established according to gender as well as the areas and departments in which the professors and researchers worked. It has been concluded that within this scientific community the use of online social networks is limited, with the majority of use purely for diffusion of academic works.