Ejemplaridad, paternalismo y utilitarismo en la justicia de la España de los Habsburgo

  1. Heras Santos, José Luis de las
Estudios humanísticos. Historia

ISSN: 1696-0300

Year of publication: 2013

Issue: 12

Pages: 185-213

Type: Article

DOI: 10.18002/EHH.V0I12.965 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

More publications in: Estudios humanísticos. Historia


Privileges recognition in the Ancient Regime forced to give a different treatment to each person in the Courts of Justice and to set different penalties to nobles and commoners. On the other hand, the hegemonic aspirations of the Habsburg dynasty in Europe continually forced them to war against their enemies and to conceive an utilitarian idea of the administration of justice and penalty. There are very contradictory ideas about Habsburgs´s penalty in Spain. By looking at the penalties provided by the law and the judgements delivered by the courts, we get a terrifying sight of the judicial system. On the contrary, analysing the sources that refer to the existence of very frequent practices of compositions and arrangements outside the court system, we get a pleasant view of justice, which was quite tolerant with the limits of impunity, especially in the Crown of Aragon. And in fact both are true. The discretion margin conceded to judges allowed a cruel repression of crime, eventually moderated because of the paternalism attributed to the crown, and also because the individual action took priority over the court-appointed action, enabling -in a society where there was deep and extensive patronage networks- to resolve many disputes out of court. There were impunity limitations associated with the administration of justice and another related to the existence of extra-judicial compromise supported by the mutual interest of the parties. This case also existed in other European countries, but, at least in the Hispanic sphere, it should not be interpreted as a display of distrust of subjects in the official justice. Although we cannot quantify the percentage of individual compositions at the moment, we can estimate that it was lower than in countries like England.

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