APPrender a leer y escribiraplicaciones para el aprendizaje de la lectoescritura

  1. GÓMEZ-DÍAZ, Raquel 1
  2. GARCÍA-RODRÍGUEZ, Araceli 1
  3. CORDÓN-GARCÍA, José Antonio 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Salamanca

    Universidad de Salamanca

    Salamanca, España


Education in the knowledge society (EKS)

ISSN: 2444-8729 1138-9737

Year of publication: 2015

Volume: 16

Issue: 4

Pages: 118-137

Type: Article

DOI: 10.14201/EKS2015164118137 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Education in the knowledge society (EKS)


Increasing tablets and educational apps aimed at kids made necessary, besides analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of their use in the classroom, have a better understanding of the applications themselves, their characteristics, business models, etc. The article focuses on the apps intended for literacy learning, and offers, along with a typology, and a selection of some of them. Finally, it includes a list of sources that will help teachers in the task of selecting the most suitable for the needs of pupils’ applications.

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