Maquiavelo en la ciencia contemporánea de la políticafundamento y limitaciones de un reconocimiento intelectual

  1. Llamazares Valduvieco, Iván
  2. Sribman Mittelman, Ariel

ISSN: 1576-7787

Year of publication: 2013

Issue: 9

Pages: 115-125

Type: Article

More publications in: RSEI


Almost five hundred years after his death, Machiavelli�s work still exerts a strong influence on the analysis of political phenomena and the development of political theory. This article examines the reasons and limitations of the continuing power of Machiavelli�s discourse in two specific fields of contemporary political science: comparative politics, and political theory. Our analysis explores also, from a contemporary perspective, the methodological and ontological value of Machiavelli�s contribution to the study of politics.

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