An integrated system for disabled people developed with the agent platform PANGEA

  1. ZATO, Carolina 1
  2. VILLARRUBIA, Gabriel 1
  3. BAJO, Javier 2
  4. CORCHADO, Juan Manuel 1
  1. 1 Departamento Informática y Automática, Universidad de Salamanca
  2. 2 Departamento de Inteligencia Artificial, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
ADCAIJ: Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal

ISSN: 2255-2863

Ano de publicación: 2013

Volume: 2

Número: 6

Páxinas: 65-77

Tipo: Artigo

DOI: 10.14201/ADCAIJ2014266577 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openAcceso aberto editor

Outras publicacións en: ADCAIJ: Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal


New trends in multi-agent systems call for self-adaptation and high dynamics, hence the new model of open MAS or virtual organization of agents. However, as existing agent platforms are not yet equipped to support this behavior, it is necessary to create new systems and mechanisms to facilitate the development of these new architectures. This article presents PANGEA, an agent platform to develop open multi-agent systems, specifically those including organizational aspects such as virtual agent organizations. The platform allows the integral management of organizations and offers tools to the end user. Additionally, it includes a communication protocol based on the IRC standard, which facilitates implementation and remains robust even with a large number of connections. The introduction of a CommunicationAgent and a Sniffer make it possible to offer Web Services for the distributed control of interaction. In order to test PANGEA, an integral system was developed to help the disabled, gathering a set of easily deployable and integrated services under a single architecture.

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