La didacticidad de los textos publicitariostransversalidad, competencia comunicativa y creatividad

  1. Nebot Celades, Lorena Carmen
Supervised by:
  1. Javier Vellón Lahoz Director

Defence university: Universitat Jaume I

Fecha de defensa: 17 March 2017

  1. Josep Ballester Roca Chair
  2. Margarita Porcar Miralles Secretary
  3. Francisco Javier de Santiago Guervós Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 454993 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


This Doctoral Thesis takes as its starting point the assumption that the advertising texts have a didactic potential, focused basically on the didactics of language (first languages), from the perspective of the communicative approach. More over are considered on other issues such as cross-curricular programming, education in values, integrated programming of languages, and even the teaching of L2 (second languages), as a reference for learning in questions related to cultural uses and intercultural pragmatics. The research completes the initial hypothesis with an epistemological approach based on the characteristics of the advertising text, because its singularity confers a high degree of didacticity that has traditionally been ignored by textbooks. And, finally, it focuses its objective in presenting proposals to program teaching sequences, able to integrate all the issues associated with the didactic potential of advertising texts.