Migración interna y migración internacional en las estrategias familiares de reproducciónel caso de las poblaciones rurales del sur del estado de Veracruz, México
- Rey Poveda, Luis Alberto del
- Quesnel, André
Year of publication: 2005
Issue: 259
Type: Working paper
This working paper analyzes the present mobility that affects the rural families of the south of the state of Veracruz, Mexico. The causes of this mobility are associate in the region of origin to the transformations derived from the process of demographic transition, the economic crisis of beginnings of the decade of 1980 and to the new model of development, and finally to the legal Reformation of 1992 on the social earth property. These factors have taken to that labor mobility in the region, traditionally circumscribed to the families of limited resources and contained in the regional scope, has opened the way to a process of mobility generalized to the set of the rural families and to the emergency of new destinies, the North border and the United States, markets with a great economic dynamism and strongly plaintiffs of manual labor.
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