Visibilidad de los actores institucionales en las noticias científicas publicadas en España (2002-2011)síntomas de maduración

  1. Ana Victoria Pérez Rodríguez
  2. Bruno Maltras Barba
Sistema: revista de ciencias sociales

ISSN: 0210-0223

Year of publication: 2018

Issue Title: Ciencia en sociedad

Issue: 249-250

Pages: 105-118

Type: Article

More publications in: Sistema: revista de ciencias sociales


Nine years ago, the Spanish national Government declared 2007 «The year of Science» by Royal Decree. This was the first official attempt to endorse public communication actions into the National Scientific System. Although it has been difficult to measure to what extent this actions have contributed to promote public awareness and engagement with science, our study shows important qualitative changes along the studied period. In order to monitor those changes institutional and personal actors involved in more than 48.000 scientific news items (2002-2011) have been meticulously identified. The final statement shows an important increase in the number of science news produce inside the national newsrooms as well as an increase in the public presence of national scientific sources.

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