Dificultades del lenguaje que influyen en la resolución de problemas
- RODRÍGUEZ HERNÁNDEZ, M.ª de las Mercedes 1
Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
- 2 ceip. Romero Peña
ISSN: 2386-3927, 2386-3927
Argitalpen urtea: 2016
Alea: 34
Zenbakia: 2
Orrialdeak: 17-42
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Enseñanza & Teaching: Revista interuniversitaria de didáctica
Solving mathematical problems causes frustration to the pupils and generates great concern on teachers due to their complexity and difficulty. In order to overcome these difficulties a new methodology is needed. In this paper we present a methodology applied to the classroom in order to respond to these difficulties and improve our students’ achievement in the field of mathematics. We suggest a study of the difficulties that our students may have in language such as reading comprehension, verbalization of the problem, identification of relevant data, identification of the question and expression of the solution and its impact on problem solving. The methodology presented consists of a part based on the development of the linguistic competence, where language comprehension and linguistic reasoning are worked, and a part based on mathematics, which is made up of five stages: completing math problems, inventing the question of a statement, inventing statements, inventing problems and solving problems. After methodological implementation, a statistical study with third grade students is accomplished in CEIP Romero Peña in La Solana (Ciudad Real), with two different groups of students: an experimental group in which this proposed methodology has been applied, and a control group that has been following a traditional methodology using their textbook. Statistical analysis reveals that the difficulties in problem solving diminish significantly after the implementation of this new approach, verifying that the treatment focused on language difficulties has positive repercussions on problem solving.
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