Ideales igualitarios y planes tradicionalesanálisis de parejas primerizas en España
- Paco Abril 5
- Patricia Amigot 2
- Carmen Botía Morillas 6
- Marta Domínguez Folgueras 7
- María José González 8
- Teresa Jurado Guerrero 1
- Irene Lapuerta 2
- Teresa Martín García 3
- Jordi Monferrer 4
- Marta Seiz 3
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
Universidad Pública de Navarra
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
Universidad a Distancia de Madrid
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Universidad Pablo de Olavide
- 7 Sciences Po, OSC
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
ISSN: 0210-5233
Any de publicació: 2015
Número: 150
Pàgines: 3-22
Tipus: Article
Altres publicacions en: REIS: Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas
This study analyses childcare plans among fi rst-time parents, examining how gender attitudes, parenthood ideals and institutional limitations infl uence childcare plans. It is based on a sample of 68 dual-earner couples who were expecting their fi rst child in 2011. The analysis reveals that most couples aim to maintain a dual-earner model after the transition to parenthood. However, when diffi culties balancing work and family are anticipated, women continue to reveal a greater predisposition to develop “adaptive preferences” to meet childcare needs.
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