Datación mediante 14C del deslizamiento de Hontoria de Cerato (Palencia, Cuenca del Duero Central)
Universidad de Salamanca
ISSN: 1576-5172
Argitalpen urtea: 2004
Zenbakien izenburua: IV Congreso Geológico de España (Zaragoza, 12-15 julio, 2004)
Zenbakia: 6
Orrialdeak: 297-300
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Geotemas (Madrid)
Close to Hontoria de Cerrato village (Palencia province, Spain, Central Duero Basin) there is a large multiple rotational soil landslide which covers an area of 36 Hm2 and involves more than 5 106 m3. It shows evidence of recent reactivation close to the foot, but there is no record of its age. Nevertheless, geomorphic features, such as relatively fresh main and secondary scarps and internally drained basins, indicate a modern origin, since it has not been significantly modified by weathering. The largest of the internally drained basins cover a depressed area of 16000 m2. It is situated at the foot o f the main scarp and has a pond at its bottom. During a dry period, we sampled sediments with organic matter from the floor of this little sedimentary basin. C-14 dating ofthese samples indicates an age close to 2000 years.