Rasgos y tendencias en el clima de Teruel (España)

  1. Gómez-Villar, Amelia
  2. Alcalá Martínez, Luis
  3. García Ruiz, José María
  4. Martín Escorza, Carlos
Boletín de la Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural. Sección geológica

ISSN: 0583-7510

Year of publication: 1999

Tome: 95

Issue: 1-4

Pages: 5-14

Type: Article

More publications in: Boletín de la Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural. Sección geológica


The meteorological record in the city of Teruel has an own history. It was begun in 1876, therefore it is one of the Spanish series with more ancient data. Nevertheless, the events of the Civil War (1936-1939) did not permit to fill these record during some years. They were restarted in 1943 and above all during the 60s. By different reasons, the data were taken in 5 different places of the city. The results show some features about the temperatures and, specially, about the rainfall that induce to consider the existence of a Turolian climate. An own climate of these high regions of the Spanish plateau, removed from the Atlantic environment and without hard influence of the Mediterranean Sea by the existence of a mountainous barrier of certain importance. The analysis of the temporary distribution for the last 120 years show the possibility of the existence a cyclical trend with periods of approximately 30 years for the temperatures and 60 years for the rainfall.