Perfil neuropsicológico de niños con dislaliasalteraciones mnésicas y atencionales
- Conde Guzón, Pablo Antonio
- Quirós Expósito, Pilar
- Conde Guzón, María Jesús
- Bartolomé-Albistegui, María Teresa
ISSN: 0212-9728, 1695-2294
Year of publication: 2014
Volume: 30
Issue: 3
Pages: 1105-1114
Type: Article
More publications in: Anales de psicología
In this study we investigate the neuropsychological functioning of children with dyslalias. 34 children with multiple dyslalia (articulatory distortion or substitution of three phonemes: / r /, / l / and / s /) and normal neurological examination. 28 children without speech problems are used as reference group. The neuropsychological profile is estimated using the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised (WISC-R) and Luria Neuropsychological Battery-DNI. We found in children with dyslalias: A) The memory profile deteriorated globally in respect to the reference group but are preserved remote memory and the memory of shapes. B) kinesthe-sia and estereognosia disorders. C) Attentional disorders. We found mne-monic and attentional problems in children with dyslalias similar to those children with language problems secondary to brain damage or affect or-gans or major psycholinguistic disorders. We consider this neuropsycho-logical profile deteriorated in neurological and psychoeducational counsel-ing, which would justify the treatment and neuropsychological rehabilita-tion of memory and attention
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