Memoria cotidianaDimensiones y pautas de declive en adultos sanos

  1. Casado Verdejo, Inés
  2. Bárcena Calvo, Carmen
Psychology, Society & Education

ISSN: 1989-709X 2171-2085

Ano de publicación: 2017

Volume: 9

Número: 3

Páxinas: 405-418

Tipo: Artigo

DOI: 10.25115/PSYE.V9I3.862 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

Outras publicacións en: Psychology, Society & Education


The main of this work was to validate and to know the psychometric properties of the Cuestionario de Memoria Cotidiana (CMC) inspired in Baddeley's Everyday Memory Questionnaire (EMQ) (1997). We checked their reliability and construct validity and their dimensions were determined through their factorial analysis. We make, at first, with a sample of 129 adults not suffering from any cognitive pathology and aged between 48 and 91 years. And at a later stage, a sample of 510 healthy adults with ages ranging from 48 and 90 years was used to discover if there were any differentiation of effects in the various dimensions of everyday memory that were established. Results shown that this multi-dimensional measurement has acceptable psychometric properties, with a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.91, and also provided evidence that there are systems or areas making up every-day memory that are differentially resistant to deterioration. Self-reported cognitive failures indicated that the areas suffering most downgrading with the passage of time are recall of the location of objects and source memory, with autobiographic memory being more resistant in both sexes.

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