Educar y evaluar en tiempos de Coronavirusla situación en España
Universidad de León
Universidad de Santiago de Chile
ISSN: 2014-2862
Año de publicación: 2020
Título del ejemplar: June
Volumen: 10
Número: 2
Páginas: 102-134
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: REMIE: Multidisciplinary Journal of Educational Research
As a result of the "state of alarm," decreed due to the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain, all educational centers were closed and the educational system was reorganized so that 10 million students could continue their education remotely. This research, which is exploratory in nature, has investigated the vision that the families and, above all, the students themselves have of the educational measures that have been taken to deal with this period. 3400 Spaniards answered a survey, whose answers were analyzed, following mainly quantitative techniques (descriptive statistical analysis,) but also qualitative ones (content analysis.) Five fundamental ideas were identified from the results: (1) the digital divide adds to and amplifies the social divide, increasing inequality in times of crisis; (2) technologies, which have been an essential ally during the crisis, are not an alternative to the face-to-face educational relationship, but are an increasingly enriching tool to support the teaching-learning process; (3) it is necessary to rethink the current encyclopedic curriculum in order to discern what is dispensable from what is indispensable and to prioritize relevant content; (4) evaluation is not about grading, it is about understanding how the learning process has taken place in order to help each student to keep moving forward, and (5) it is necessary to " look after people " and give priority to their overall well-being, so that " no one is left behind".
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