Pobreza y criminalidad en la atenas clásica. Propuesta para un estudio de la cuestión
ISSN: 2254-1683
Argitalpen urtea: 2016
Zenbakia: 5
Orrialdeak: 45-63
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Antesteria: debates de Historia Antigua
Quite often, in our society, the concepts of “poverty” and “crime” are linked together. However, despite the interest aroused by the subject in other contexts and historical periods, there is a lack of studies focused on this issue not only for the ancient Athens, but for the Greece of the Antiquity in general. The following essay, centered on the classical Athens, seeks to become a preparatory work, a study proposal, from which develop in the future a more thorough and comprehensive investigation into the matter.