Obispos y catedralesarte en la Castilla bajomedieval

  1. Mª Victoria Herráez coord.
  2. Mª Concepción Cosmen coord.
  3. Mª Dolores Teijeira coord.
  4. José Alberto Moráis Morán coord.

Publisher: Peter Lang

ISBN: 978-3-0343-3334-4 978-3-0343-3335-1 978-3-0343-3333-7

Year of publication: 2018

Type: Book


Within the group of medieval promoters that, without no doubt whatsoever, largely determined the shape, function and meaning of the artistic objects stand out the prelates. The role of the bishops in the building tasks and in the promotion of sumptuary works was essential because, although some of them devoted little time to the see and, to a large extend, they diverted the responsibility of the organization of the Church to the chapterhouse members, they did show interest in the promotion of new buildings and other works that could contribute to enlarge the splendour of the cathedral and also their own personal prestige. This book is the result of a research project titled, "Bishops and Cathedrals. Art in late medieval Castile", funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity, in which we set out to get to know the artistic ideology of the main episcopal promoters in the Late Castilian Middle Ages and, through it, to make a deeper and more refined interpretation of the works carried out in the most relevant cathedrals of the kingdom.