Obispos y cabildos bajomedievales ante el documento pontificio¿admiración, veneración, idolatría?

  1. Santiago Domínguez Sánchez 1
  1. 1 Universidad de León. Instituto de Estudios Medievales
Obispos y catedrales: arte en la Castilla bajomedieval
  1. Mª Victoria Herráez (coord.)
  2. Mª Concepción Cosmen (coord.)
  3. Mª Dolores Teijeira (coord.)
  4. José Alberto Moráis Morán (coord.)

Publisher: Peter Lang

ISBN: 978-3-0343-3334-4 978-3-0343-3335-1 978-3-0343-3333-7

Year of publication: 2018

Pages: 13-32

Type: Book chapter


In the Middle Ages, especially since the eleventh century, the Pontiff was the supreme authority in almost every aspect of life: spiritual, cultural and even political. The papal patronage in any matter was reflected in a document, a privilege or a letter, which throughout the Middle Ages was desired and received in a very special way by those interested. These chapters admired the papal diploma itself, as it were a vessel containing singular graces. Both the external and the internal forms of these letters made them diplomas of exceptional solemnity, which clearly showed the importance of the legal fact contained in them and the maximum authority of the author who granted them. Therefore these letters and privileges were kept in the treasuries of the churches, along with other pieces of great value and importance. This research begins by investigating how medieval canon law treated such diplomas as a reflection and written expression of sacred and even divine matters. It will be followed by concrete examples of how chapters and bishops received such papal diplomas, with the utmost possible reverence. In particular, this issue has been studied in the cathedrals of Palencia, Toledo, Salamanca, Burgos and Seville.