Las cajas atravesadas por la luz / las casas atravesadas por la luz
- Rogelio Ruiz Fernández
- Juan Carlos Arnuncio Pastor Doktorvater/Doktormutter
Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad de Valladolid
Fecha de defensa: 19 von November von 2003
- Darío Álvarez Álvarez Präsident
- Miguel Ángel de la Iglesia Santamaría Sekretär
- Jesús María Aparicio Guisado Vocal
- José María Lozano Velasco Vocal
- José Antonio Sosa Díaz-Saavedra Vocal
Art: Dissertation
Boxes pierced by light/ houses pierced by lignt, is a research on architectonic composition based on light piercing solids as the way of provoking sensations, linking it to sculpture, painting, literature… After a concise analysis of this weapon of lignt, we have used it onto the Asturian Prerromanesque, getting interesting conclusions in the posible use of the upper apse room of these churches.