Análisis espacial de la inseguridad percibida en BarcelonaEl papel de los barrios adyacentes y de los factores psicosociales implicados

  1. Diego J. Maldonado-Guzmán 1
  2. Patricia Saldaña-Taboada 2
  3. Alejandro Miguel-Alvaro 3
  1. 1 Universidad de Cádiz, España
  2. 2 Universidad de Granada, España
  3. 3 Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España
Anuario de psicología jurídica

ISSN: 1133-0740

Année de publication: 2021

Número: 31

Pages: 63-73

Type: Article

DOI: 10.5093/APJ2021A7 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openAccès ouvert editor

D'autres publications dans: Anuario de psicología jurídica

Objectifs de Développement Durable


This research analyses the factors that could be involved in the insecurity perceived by the inhabitants of 69 neighbourhoods in Barcelona from the possible influence of the adjacent neighbourhoods. A set of variables are constructed from different sources to measure their influence on the insecurity perceived by residents. Ordinary least-squares regression models were replaced by others that consider the spatial dependence of the data. The results show that when controlling for the influence of adjacent neighbourhoods, ethnic heterogeneity, satisfaction with police services, social disorder, and socio-economic status are significantly related with the insecurity perceived in each neighbourhood. However, when spatial autocorrelation is corrected, crime density in the neighbourhood is not related to perceptions of insecurity, nor there is clear evidence that insecurity is affected by crime levels in adjacent neighbourhoods.

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