Sistemas aeróbicos y anaeróbicos del cultivo del arroz con aplicación de enmienda orgánicacomportamiento agronómico y flujo de gases de efecto invernadero

  1. Fernández Rodríguez, Damián
Dirigida per:
  1. Ángel Albarrán Liso Director/a
  2. David Peña Abades Codirector/a

Universitat de defensa: Universidad de Extremadura

Fecha de defensa: 12 de de gener de 2021

  1. Antonio López Piñeiro President/a
  2. Óscar Santamaría Becerril Secretari
  3. José Manuel Rato Nunes Vocal

Tipus: Tesi

Teseo: 645817 DIALNET


The general objective of this work was to evaluate the effects produced by the implementation of different irrigation systems (aerobic and anaerobic) in combination with different tillage techniques (direct seeding and conventional tillage) and application of organic amendment (alperujo compost) on soil properties, agronomic behavior of the rice crop, grain quality from the point of view of food safety, and on greenhouse gas fluxes. In order to analyze the direct and residual effect of the application of alperujo compost, it was applied only in the first year of the study. For this purpose, trials were conducted under real field conditions during 2015, 2016 and 2017, in one of the areas of greatest interest at national level for rice cultivation, the Vegas del Guadiana (Extremadura), establishing six treatments: SD (direct seeding and aerobic irrigation); SDC (direct seeding and aerobic irrigation with application of alperujo compost); LC (conventional tillage and aerobic irrigation); LCC (conventional tillage and aerobic irrigation with application of alperujo compost); LCI (conventional tillage and anaerobic irrigation); LCIC (conventional tillage and anaerobic irrigation with application of alperujo compost).