Oferta de MOOC en España. Zero Moment of Truth (ZMOT)
- Alfonso Gutiérrez Martín 1
- Alba Torrego González 1
- Jon Dornaleteche Ruiz 1
Universidad de Valladolid
ISSN: 1695-288X
Any de publicació: 2015
Volum: 14
Número: 2
Pàgines: 11-23
Tipus: Article
Altres publicacions en: RELATEC: Revista Latinoamericana de Tecnología Educativa
The objective of this article is to analyze the formal characteristics of MOOC in Spain which potential users of such courses have to face at the «Zero Moment Of Truth», i.e., in the moments they make the decision to enroll. Most of the research on MOOC have focused on the learning generated, the rate of dropouts and MOOC’ relations with formal education. Our study makes no explicit reference to the content of the MOOC, or the percentage of those who complete them, but to those who start them and why they come to do so. We part from the hypothesis that too little attention is paid to web design and audiovisual content in the presentation of the courses in Spain, despite their great influence on the time when users decide whether to register or not. In this study we have used content analysis qualitative research technique to test this hypothesis. We selected a total of 109 MOOC and analyzed them with three categories of rhetoric variables: the informative category, aesthetics and credibility. Among other findings, we discovered that Spanish MOOC offer a fairly comprehensive information to potential students, but that they can improve their aesthetics and the elements that contribute to its credibility. The conclusions we reach point out that, whether it is intended to obtain economic benefit from the MOOC, as if these free courses were used simply to advertise the organizing institutions and improve their image, it is not enough to offer quality contents.
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