Cohesión territorial y sostenibilidad en los Valles del Bierzo
Universidad de Salamanca
ISSN: 2387-1555
Argitalpen urtea: 2020
Zenbakien izenburua: Prospectivas antropológicas y desarrollo local
Zenbakia: 10
Orrialdeak: 15-36
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: REA. Revista euroamericana de antropología
The article presents the conclusions of an ethnographic work carried out during the last five years in the town of Balboa, the center of one of the valleys of Leon near the border with Galicia. The study focuses on this town because of the peculiarity it presents in relation to other nearby towns, also in the mountain area, which have been running out of population in recent years. Unlike these unpopulated areas, in Balboa, due to the confluence of various factors, the population has remained in a meritorious exercise of rural resilience. But, in turn, its inhabitants and its political leaders have managed to place Balboa on the map of the different types of a certain type of leisure that has led to numerous visitors who have passed through the town in recent years, giving shape to what we describe as a fluid rurality where the important thing is no longer so much the residence, but the idea of flow.
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