Educación matemática infantil desde la perspectiva del conexionismoAnálisis de una práctica educativa de aula

  1. María Luisa Novo 1
  2. Ainhoa Berciano 2
  3. Ángel Alsina 3
  1. 1 Universidad de Valladolid (España)
  2. 2 Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (España)
  3. 3 Universidad de Girona (España)
Números: Revista de didáctica de las matemáticas

ISSN: 0212-3096 1887-1984

Any de publicació: 2017

Número: 95

Pàgines: 61-76

Tipus: Article

Altres publicacions en: Números: Revista de didáctica de las matemáticas


This article describes the characteristics of an activity designed from the perspective of connectionism and its effectiveness to develop children’s mathematical thinking at the earliest ages. From this perspective, a linear development of contents is substituted by a global development, so that in the same activity several concepts appear at once. For the analysis, a teaching practice carried out with 23 students of three years is presented. The analysis allowed to observe the presence of conceptual connections (between concepts), practical connections (with daily life) and teaching connections (with other disciplines). We conclude that the teaching and learning of mathematics in early childhood education from the perspective of connectionism contributes to deeper understanding of knowledge.