Evaluación formativa, autorregulación, feedback y herramientas digitalesuso de Socrative en educación superior
- Fraile, Juan 1
- Ruiz-Bravo, Patricia 1
- Zamorano-Sande, David
- Orgaz-Rincón, Daniel 1
Universidad Francisco de Vitoria
ISSN: 1579-1726, 1988-2041
Any de publicació: 2021
Número: 42
Pàgines: 724-734
Tipus: Article
Altres publicacions en: Retos: nuevas tendencias en educación física, deporte y recreación
Socrative is a formative assessment digital tool that allows the teacher to create learning itineraries through questions, introduce feedback that appears immediately when answering, and check the students' progress. This article presents a teaching experience for the instruction of contents related to physical activities in the natural environment in the degree in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences. Learning and self-regulation were encouraged through four forms of feedback. Data were collected on the perception of the tool by 30 students who used it on several occasions throughout the course. The questionnaire on good practice experience of the Spanish Network for Formative and Shared Evaluation in Education, based on the validated questionnaire on methodology and assessment in initial teacher training (Castejón Oliva et al., 2015), was used together with two open questions. The results showed high satisfaction with this learning activity, correlated with the appreciation of the assistance students received from their peers. Pedagogical implications are presented related to creating groups of students to carry out the activity and its different levels of performance, the difficulty, order and nature of the questions, the type of feedback introduced and the design of the task for a correct scaffolding that promotes self-regulated learning.
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