La filosofía de la vida en Hans Jonasen mediatez hacia la eternidad

  1. Gutierro Carrasco, Juan Jesús
Dirixida por:
  1. Antonio Sánchez Orantos Director
  2. Alicia Villar Ezcurra Co-director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad Pontificia Comillas

Fecha de defensa: 30 de xuño de 2021

  1. Alfredo Marcos Martínez Presidente
  2. Rafael Amo Usanos Secretario/a
  3. Albert Florensa Giménez Vogal
  4. Sara Lumbreras Sancho Vogal
  5. José Ángel García Cuadrado Vogal

Tipo: Tese


The present research aims to elaborate an anthropological discourse based on the philosophy of Hans Jonas from three main points: life, spirit, meaning. Jonas will focus on living matter, on the organic, whose conception it will be essential to study, as well as to articulate its beginning and end. In fact, all the research will have the Jonasian conception of life present, taking us through the different forms of life: plant, animal, until we reach man. It is the transcendent freedom of the spirit that characterizes it that will allow us, through the manifestations of the tool, the art and the tomb, to get to know the differentia specifica of the human being, who, thanks to his self-reflective capacity, also opens up to eternity. The role of the sacred or the divine in the creation and course of the world or the compatibility of its existence with evil are also part of our work. In short, the aim here is to offer a theoretical framework that allows for an adequate critical confrontation of questions present in our current culture and in need of deep and serene reflection, far from scientific reductionisms.