Enfermedad mental y sentidoun análisis junguiano de "noche oscura del alma" de Juan de la Cruz

  1. de la Torre Bujones, Gemma
Dirixida por:
  1. Luis Montiel Llorente Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 26 de xaneiro de 2021

  1. Ángel Luis González de Pablo Presidente/a
  2. Maribel Morente Parra Secretario/a
  3. Ricardo Campos Marín Vogal
  4. Bertha María Gutiérrez Rodilla Vogal
  5. Rafael Huertas García-Alejo Vogal

Tipo: Tese

Teseo: 155157 DIALNET


This thesis entitled Mental Disease and Meaning. A Jungian analysis of "Dark Night of the Soul" by Juan de la Cruz, is an approach to the poem Dark Night of Juan de la Cruz from the perspective of the Psychology of the Complex developed by Carl Gustav Jung. In this study, we have found certain vital and experiential parallels between both authors that lead them to write compositions that, from the perspective of the 21st century, seem to be in dialogue with each other. We refer to the aforementioned poem and to the Red Book written by C. G. Jung. Both texts are based on transformative existential experiences external to the subject, but what is truly interesting is that they represent the manifestation of a profound inner effort on the behalf of their authors, whose current effect is to return the contemporary individual to the plane of the psyche and inner experience. Spaces that in our current world seem to have been forgotten and that nevertheless suppose a source of psychic health, necessary to confront the challenges of this time...