El desarrollo urbano de Cáceres a través de su planeamiento(1961-2018)

  1. Sánchez Franco, Carlos
Dirixida por:
  1. José-Carlos Salcedo Hernández Director
  2. Antonio-José Campesino Fernández Co-director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad de Extremadura

Fecha de defensa: 28 de xuño de 2021

  1. José Fariña Tojo Presidente/a
  2. Víctor Jiménez Barrado Secretario/a
  3. Juan Luis de las Rivas Sanz Vogal

Tipo: Tese


The intent of this thesis has been the monographic study of the urban history of the city of Caceres and its comparison with the current city, so that it can constitute a potential pilot reference as the basis for effective urban planning. The core period under the study starts with the approval of the first General Plan for Urban Planning, in 1961, and concludes in 2018, coinciding with the publication of the latest Regional Urban Planning Law to date. The research has been based on the following methodologies: exploitation of administrative files; photo-interpretation; and data processing through geographic information systems. The results show a growth of its urban fabric that quintuples its initial size and quadruples the number of projected housing, especially and more intensively during the years of the real estate bubble, and stalling afterwards with the subsequent global economic crisis. The urban development has been promoted mainly by private initiatives, but with a significant presence of public initiative, with more than a quarter of the total area growth. At the same time, more than 20% of the new urbanization actions have been promoted outside the framework of the municipal urban planning (reclassifications under laws to promote housing and tourism offer, and projects of especial regional interest, fundamentally), having had an impact on a dispersed and fragmented urban structure.