Resultados de síndrome túnel carpiano intervenidos según técnica de Simonetta

  1. Martín Ferrero, Miguel Angel
  2. Lomo Garrote, J. M.
  3. Noriega González, David César
  4. Trigueros Larrea, J. M.
  5. Simón Pérez, Clarisa
Revista española de cirugía osteoarticular

ISSN: 0304-5056

Argitalpen urtea: 2003

Alea: 38

Zenbakia: 216

Orrialdeak: 182-185

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Revista española de cirugía osteoarticular


The compression of the medial nerve at the carpal tunnel level is the most frequent nerve compression observed in the clinical practica. Since the time Sir James Paget first discovered the symptoms, in 1854, until now several treatments have been proposed to solve this problem. Following there is a rendering of the results obtained during our series of interventions using the Simonetta technique. The study consists of a 130 cases whose clinical histories have been reviewed, followed bye the patient's telephone interview designed to evaluate the results. The patients included in the study are all of productive age (under 50 years old) and for whom surgery was perfomed on their dominant hand. One can say that the results are better when compared to those of other ligamentaplasty having observed a lower percentage of recidivism on only minor post-operatory complications. This led us to believe that Simonetta technique is a good surgical alternative for this type of pathology because it does not increase the number of recidivisms or complications and at the same time it does not reduce the flexing of the wrist and fingers.