Efectos del hábito tabáquico en el ciclo reproductivo de la mujer y en el neonato

  1. Rosa María Cárdaba García
  2. Cárdaba García, Inés
Metas de enfermería

ISSN: 1138-7262

Año de publicación: 2016

Volumen: 19

Número: 4

Tipo: Artículo

Otras publicaciones en: Metas de enfermería


Objective: to analyze the scientific evidence available on smoking during the female reproductive cycle and its effects on newborns. Method: a narrative review of the bibliography currently available in electronic databases (Cochrane Plus Library, Medline, Cuiden, CINAHL and Pubmed) and in scientific journals in paper format (Rol de Enfermería, Metas de Enfermería, Nure Investigación and Matronas profesión) from January, 2000 to December, 2015; 23 articles were obtained. Outcomes: smoking has negative effects on pregnancy, such as an increase in miscarriages, premature rupture of membranes, and maternal anaemia; but it will also affect the placenta, which will usually be more mature than normal. Nicotine is transferred to the newborn through mother milk, and it reduces female fertility and embryo quality. Children of a smoking mother will weigh a mean 200g less at birth, and present a higher risk of sudden death. Nicotine deprivation in newborns is known as Neonatal Nicotine Withdrawal Syndrome. Conclusions: even though the effects of nicotine on pregnancy for the mother and the foetus are well known, there are very few programs for smoking cessation that will take into account pregnant women and their partners as a particularly vulnerable group. It is essential to implement these programs, which should be included in the portfolio of services offered by the National Health System. Besides, it is important to create a specific validated survey for assessing newborns with Nicotine Withdrawal Syndrome, in order to improve an early diagnosis.

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