Análisis léxico y argumentativo del discurso de Santiago Abascal en Twitter¿populismo en 280 caracteres?
Universidad de Salamanca
ISSN: 1577-6921
Any de publicació: 2021
Número: 41
Tipus: Article
Altres publicacions en: Tonos digital: revista de estudios filológicos
This work addresses the political discourse of the leader of the Spanish political party Vox, Santiago Abascal, on the social network Twitter, during the five months prior to the general elections of November 2019. The objective is to analyze both his lexical choices and his argumentative strategies in order to determine if, from a linguistic point of view, the prototypical features of populist language are found in it. The study of Vox is interesting not only because it is a relatively new party - it entered the national parliament in 2019 - but also because it has been considered at times as a populist, radical or far-right party. Vox political position has been questioned in relation to sexist violence, immigration, LGBTI rights or the Spanish territorial conflict. This analysis combines qualitative and quantitative perspectives to determine to what extent populist discourse characteristic elements are present in it. To do so, argumentative framing strategies are described, and lexical patterns are extracted from a systematized corpus. This approach concludes that most of the prototypical features of populist language are present in Abascal's speech on Twitter.
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