Evolución de la actitud, las emociones y el aprendizaje, en el máster universitario de investigación en formación del profesorado y TIC en modalidad a distancia
- Ricardo Luengo González Director/a
- José Luis Torres Carvalho Codirector/a
Universitat de defensa: Universidad de Extremadura
Fecha de defensa: 09 de de juliol de 2021
- Prudencia Gutiérrez Esteban President/a
- Cesário Paulo Lameiras Almeida Secretari/ària
- Sofia Maria Verissimo Catarreira Vocal
Tipus: Tesi
Online training is shown as an appropriate option for teacher training by promoting their autonomy, but everyone is different and training must be adapted to each one of them. More and more universities are using this educational model, among them, the University of Extremadura offers an online Master, called "University Master of Research in Teacher Training and ICT". The research problem was raised: "Is there a change in the attitude, knowledge and use of ICT resources, emotions, learning styles and the structure of knowledge acquired in the development of a Master in distance mode?" whose response will allow meeting the research objectives set. A mixed concurrent triangulation design was used, using a single group pre-test and post-test design together with the content analysis technique, supported by the Theory of Nuclear Concepts and Pathfinder Associative Networks. Among the main conclusions obtained, it stands out that there is no significant change in attitude, knowledge, use of ICT resources and emotions in students with the development of the Master. However, a significant improvement in knowledge of ICT resources has been observed in the pragmatic learning style with the development of the Master. No statistically significant differences have been observed in these aspects based on gender and age, which helps to verify that the digital and emotional divide is being mitigated in the variables analyzed.