El análisis de contenido aplicado al legado cultural de las villas romanas tardoantiguas en Castilla y León
ISSN: 1989-9289
Datum der Publikation: 2010
Nummer: 1
Seiten: 439-450
Art: Artikel
Andere Publikationen in: El Futuro del Pasado: revista electrónica de historia
The present text aims to be an advance of the general lines of research are being followed for the preparation of the PhD thesis doctoral: The Cultural Legacy of the Roman Villas Tardoantiguas in Castilla and León. The Late Antique Roman villages preserved in Castilla and Leon are depositaries of a rich archaeological and historical patrimony as home to valuable information about Roman society that lived there. This paper aims to provide a systematic and quantitative analysis of the cultural heritage related to these villages, through a method, the analysis of content, not used so far in the area of Archaeology. As a starting point intended to review the different perspectives of analysis of the archaeological surveys conducted on the Hispanic villages, since its variation has been remarkable in recent decades. Then, applying the analysis of content, there will be elaborated a system of indicators, as complete as possible, which aim is to obtain a classification or to provide some key factors for a possible typological definition of the villages that serve to examine how the definition about its spatial and functional organization, its iconographic program, and the presence of luxury materials allow to define the relationship with the social environment of the Late Roman time..
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